

Sophia is 3 years old and suffers from a rare case of Chiari Malformation. She has had 3 brain decompression surgeries within the last year and to have any chance of a normal life needs another. She currently suffers daily with pain and vomiting. The past 3 surgeries have failed with the last one causing her to lose her ability to speak and swallow. She spent 6 months inpatient and is 100% dependent on a feeding tube. Specialists in Maryland and New York have been stumped by her case and the fact that she does not respond to the normal course of treatment. This led them to a Neurosurgeon in California who specializes in rare cases of pediatric Chiari Malformation. Her next brain surgery will be December 27th.

If you would like to follow her story you can search, "Sophia's Chiari Journey" on Facebook.